It’s always exciting updating my demo reel and my website! It allows me to step back and look at the work I have helped create on a team or projects I have created on my own. With every demo reel update, I always have to go through and see what clips can be cut because of time or because I have added a stronger clip in its place.
I’m really excited for this 2023 update, because I was able to show some of my work from Marvel’s Hit-Monkey! This show will always hold a special place in my heart because it was where I really got to explore Toon Boom Harmony, and it is the first TV series I was an Animation Lead on. We had a great team on that show, and I’m excited to be working with them again on Hit-Monkey Season 2!
Over the last 5 or so years, I have been creating comics for fun. Sometimes they are 1 page in length, sometimes they are 10+ pages in length. Each time I learn a lot about panel layout, camera angels, and what is important to tell the story. As I looked back I realized I had a nice pile stacking up, so I decided to create a comic tab on my website. Give it a look!
Until next post,